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9/30 National Preparedness Symposium

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is facing a tremendous number of challenges including more violent and frequent weather incidents, preparedness awareness, long-term disaster recovery efforts and continuing financial constraints.  To achieve the best outcomes, the Department of Homeland Security’s Quadrennial Homeland Security Review identifies strengthening public-private partnerships as critical to integrating the private sector’s innovation, resources, ingenuity and experience to the mission.

Join us to discuss the changing challenges to FEMA and other government facilities posed by changing climate conditions, the advances in alert systems and disaster communications, new technologies to support the mission and what concrete steps we can take to strengthen the exchange between the public and private sector.


Antwane Johnson
Director, IPAWS, FEMA



Anne Petera
DHS Client Executive, Harris



Gwen Camp
Director of Individual and Community Preparedness, FEMA




Brian Lepore

Director of Defense Capabilities and Management, GAO


Todd Jasper
Director of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, Man-Machine Systems Assessment



Kevin Delin
Founder, SensorWare Systems




Ryan DenmarkRyan Denmark




david-mckernanDavid McKernan
Coordinator of Emergency Management, Fairfax County Office of Emergency Management


Thank you to our National Preparedness Month Chair!


Jason McNamara
Vice President, Obsidian Analysis
Former Chief of Staff, FEMA




If you are interested in supporting the National Preparedness Month program, please contact us!
